Shih Tzu dogs

Meet our name Shih Tzu, we are from Asia, especially Tibet and China. Our first nurtured many nobles and the king-queen of that era, but we have now spread worldwide from Asia, Australia, America, Europe, Africa and even though. We are also known as shih tzu dog lion (lion dog) because of our appearance and long thick hair like a lion. We were the result of interbreeding between 
several breeds predecessors, such as Pekingese, Lhasa Apso, Chow-chow and a few other types. So that after many decades we have crosses generations, finally we were born as a pure breed shih tzu and then internationally recognized Kennel Club since 1936.(Adapted from the book by Julienne Shih Tzu Caffort)Basically we are kind of a house dog who accompanied and comforted by her employer. We're not the kind of hunting dog, towing, labor, or a fighter.
We exist to be loved, caressed, and pampered-spoiled. Sometimes we were a little foreign to bark at someone, but we will also be friendly with them after they knew that they were not hurt. Although our house dog, but that does not mean we are happy to stay all day in 34 or removable floor apartment in the yard chasing chickens and ducks at any time. Some people are happy we are to provide a bed or a pile of newspaper boxes that really makes us uncomfortable, occasionally they let us play outside while.Care about, oh yaa € | of course we need it most. Not good to let us loose in the yard all day, and also not good to let anak2 mempermainkam us at any time.  

Although we love them, but we are-even takes care of our employers. Period bath once a week will be very good and we need to keep track of hair and our skin clean and fresh. Before the bath, we have carefully combed, carefully tousled hair do not let no-interlace or tied behind. Bathe us with a good shampoo and conditioner, do not use a brush or rubbing our hair like washing clothes. Bathe, caress caress us with a way so that our hair does not tangle. Then we need a hair dryer (blow-dry), Tapia € | do not let the wind is too hot or cold. If our employer does not want to let our hair hang too long, they can be cut short with scissors or a clipper. Or they took us to the salon / groomer so that they form a piece of us with a more interesting model, one puppy-cuts.

 We are very excited when our employers walk the morning, or traveling with a vehicle if the day is not too hot. We are a pretty smart dog, we love something new, and we-will easily learn them.Should his other dogs, we are not fussy about food. Would be a very good start if the employer gives us a special dog food (dog food) plus dry fresh drinking water in bottles that are always hanging all the time.Perkembang-biakkan/breeding be done after our 12-month-old, and should be done with the type shih tzu as well. Breeding is the breeding creativity in performing a cross which refers to the genetic, suitability, and blood lines / Our bloodline for our future generations better. With perseverance, breeders will be able to produce an ever increasing quality over time. This is considered by our specialist breeder-breeder.Standardization:Overall, our bodies were filled with long hair that fell to the floor where we show the authenticity of a pure breed. Our temperament a bit arrogant but loving and smart. Our body size, its ideal range between 23-27 cm tailored to each type.  

We have several types, the type of Australia which has a slightly longer body and legs rather short, we are sometimes slightly wavy hair, Australia has a rough and large tulang2 is ideal to support our bodies are on average large. Whereas the American type, our bodies are shorter (sometimes looks square from the side), the smaller the size of our bones are not too rough, we tend to straight hair types and smooth. European type a bit like Australia, but the structure and size of our bones are larger and dense. We tend to be rather high in the chest of a very graceful.Regarding the hair and the color, the shih tzu is not subject to the rules of the hue. All colors are acceptable, ranging from solid gold, solid black, solid red, gold, white, red, white, gray-white, black, white or even particolor not be blamed. However, we must have the correct color pigments, the required nose and black eye circles (do not brown much less red / pink) we should have long straight hair fell to the floor, sometimes a little wavy but not curly. The tail according to the agency, falls right in the middle of the back, high but not circular. Pat on the head of hair should be tied / topknot coupled with a ribbon will be more interesting. Ujung2 hair was too long in sabaiknya legs neatly clipped so as not to interfere.

 The structure we have a round head and wide with a round black eyes full of memorable dark but warm, our long-range muzzle 2A ½ cm to a stop in front of the nose. Our front lips shut neat, with dense black pigment. Giti arrangement we used is called undershoot the lower jaw is more advanced than the upper jaw, but the teeth are not allowed out of the lips when the mouth is closed. Number of upper incisors and lower right are each 6 pieces (not counting fangs). Ears hanging down, and filled with memorable hair like a crown. We have adjusted the neck with a body length and tail. High neck carriage is graceful and attractive impression.The structure of our body starts with shoulders straight, and strong, and muscular chest followed by a broad front so that the proportion of the whole can let our front legs to move freely. Our next leg straight with strong bone and a large footprint with the appropriate size.Our hind legs should be strong and muscular with good elbows and in accordance with the front legs, When moving, gait / movement we need to be addressed. Movement is good to be quiet as the carriage of the head and tail high. Throw the front and rear legs should be straight away and his body showed kesesuain.

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