Beagle dogs

Beagle dogs, including the offspring (breed group) Hound (police), with a high reaching 13 inches and in color from the color tricolor hound dog really is. Beagle dogs have medium length hair, so its maintenance is relatively easy. Small beagle looks like the English Foxhound and the feathers are very smooth, rigid, and short but not sepereti silk or soft.

Beagle dogs is actually intended for hunting and he can do well. Powered by smell as good hound, beagle dogs tend to follow what is indicated by the smell and ignore everything else. This leads to obedience training early in life is a must. Origin is a cross between a Beagle Dog Herrier with other types Hound England. This breed is very good at hunting hare, chicken, and quail.

Beagle dog is a dog who is very energetic and active dogs Beagle is alert to the temperament and therefore you should not show shyness or a sign of attack. Beagle dogs can be very mischievous and daring, so the precautions required when training and socializing as well.
Beagle dog is a very nice dog in the family, because they are a cheerful dog and can adapt. Beagle dogs have a high desire and very intelligent, but very easy to get distracted his attention from one thing and follow the smell. So semasih Beagle dog is small, consistent exercise, gentle, and just to focus on one thing is necessary.

To eliminate death or loss of hair, simply brushed Beagle dogs every day. Rubbing with a wet towel was enough for her bath, and a rubber brush, wire, or a toothed upright and hard is good for brushing action. Ears should be cleaned regularly because this type tend to get ear infections. Should also cut his nails.
Beagle dogs are outdoor type and like to walk away. Beagle dogs have high stamina and a walk twice a day is recommended. Remember, Beagle dogs have high prey drive, so it should be tied or locked up while in the yard. Because they often run when something interesting caught his attention.
