Red Arowana

 Red Arowana Fish, the price could reach tens of millions rupiah Arwana including fish families "ancestor", ie fish families Osteoglasidae or "bony-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of his mouth in the form of bone that serves as a tooth. Arowana thinking about a variety of nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga,
PlaTapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.The shape and appearance of arowana, including beautiful and unique. His body elongated, slender, and "stream line", with very graceful swimming movements. Arowana in nature has a variety of colors such as green, silver, or red. At the lower lip there are two tentacle that serves as a vibration sensor to determine the position of prey at the water surface.
Grouse is included in the assessment criteria of beauty fish.Arowana considerable growth potential, especially with feeding a high protein yield. Arowana growth in aquariums up to 60 cm, whereas in the wild reaches more than 90 cm. Arowana fish species from South America can grow up to 270 cm.Arowana is a fish swimming above (surface feeder), shown by betuk mouth. In nature they swim near the surface to hunt prey. Arowana can accept all types of feed for carnivorous fish, but often they are so very fond of one type of feed only, and reject the other types. As the fish hopper, arowana in nature can catch insects alighted on a twig height 1-2 meters from the water surface. Then the maintenance of the aquarium should be properly sealed.Arowana is a tough fish that can live up to half a century. High demand with limited availability of natural causes in the exploitation of nature is limited. CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) stipulates that the Asian Arowana fish as the fish that got the highest protection. Various types of Asian Arowana, among others:RedRed arowana (arowana red) coming from various places in the province of West Kalimantan, such as from Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum known as the habitat of the Super Red (Chili and Blood Red). These waters is an area of ​​peat swamp forest which creates a primitive environment for these ancient fish. But the conditions of mineral, water environment peat (black water), and an adequate amount of food reserves has conditioned a good influence on the evolution of color in red arowana fish are concerned. Geographical influence also led to the creation of different variations of the morphology of these red arowana fish, such as a wider body, the head of a spoon-shaped, red warnah more intensive, and color dasaryang more concentrated.Full red color appears on young fish fins, on the lips and tentacles. Nearly mature, the red color will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the gill cover and the rim of scales, so that the fish looks red.Red arowana grouped in four varieties, namely 

Blood Red (Blood Red),

Red Chili (Chili Red), 

Red Orange (Orange Red), 

and Red Gold (Golden Red).

The four varieties are generally given the nickname Super Red or Red Grade One (First Grade Red), although in its development refers to the Super Red Chilli Red and Blood Red. While the last two varieties are more often considered as a super red with a lower grade.