American Singer Canary

American Singer Canary is a walnut that is physically beautiful and have a melodious voice in his ear. American Singer Canary is the result of crosses between Border canary who is known to look beautiful and the Roller canary has a lovely voice. Walnuts are often referred to as the best walnut, both in terms of the posture and voice. Being a small walnut active life, the American Singer Canary is a good choice for beginners and experienced keepers. It is strong, powerful, and easy to maintain.

Nevertheless, the American Singer Canary is classified as one of the "song canary", which is bred to produce walnuts with a melodious voice and not on physical appearance or color. Basically, every "song canaries" should have a distinctive type of song, song standards are clear and distinct from the varieties ": song canary" other. Walnut types are classified into the "canary song" Another Roller Canary, Timbrado Spanish, Russian Singer Canary and Canary Waterslager.

Distribution: American Singer Canary was developed in the 1930s, a group of women olehj which became known as "The Eight Boston House Wives". They initially floated the idea to develop a beautiful addition to walnuts also have a beautiful song. American Singer Canary was originally called the "North American canary" and resulting from crossing the German Roller Canary (30%) and the Border Canary (70%). Bird is the most widely spread in America.

American Singer Canary berbodi along about 5 3/4 inches (14.6 cm) and come in various colors including yellow, white fans, green, blue, orange, bronze, brown, fawn, and various other colors.

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